2018 Bibbulmun Track

Tim on the last day of the hike
Tim on the last day of the hike

Impacts of Long Distance HikingIt’s 14 September 2018 and my Bibbulmun Track journey is over having finished yesterday morning at around 11:30am.  It’s 6:00am as I write this and I feel like I’m at a bit of a loss. I should be getting ready to hike but I realise again that the trip is over.  Editing and uploading the podcast today will provide my hiking fix at least for the day.

I see my wife tomorrow for the first time in over five weeks. We’ll be in Perth for a few more days and I plan on taking Gill out for a short 8km hike on the Bib to one of the nearby huts to show her what the track is like and to provide her with a frame of reference for when I rabbit on about this track over the coming months and years.

Today is the final post in this series and I just wanted to pass on a few final bits of information.

First and foremost I want to thank everyone for their support and their kind messages over the past five weeks; this includes those hikers on their own journey whom I met on the track.  There is so much to like about the Bibbulmun Track and the people rank highly in this regard.

Where to next?  Later on today I will be releasing the last of the on-trail podcast episodes when episode 80 goes live.  This episode will cover my journey from Dwellingup to Kalamunda.  Included as part of the episode is a series of interviews I conducted with other hikers, a brief review of the track towns, and one final mention of little but very important piece of trail infrastructure that I neglected to discuss in last weeks episode.

Over the next two weeks I will be releasing two final episodes on my adventure.  Episode 81 will be an ’expectations versus reality’ discussion where I talk about my trip overall and compare my expectations prior to the trip to what actually happened.  The following week in 082-Bibbulmun Track gear wrap up I will be discussing the equipment I used on the trip and how it performed.  This will include a downloadable list for those who are interested.  After that it will be back to our regular podcast publishing schedule.

In addition, I will be doing two written articles on this trip.  The first will be a full write up of my trip including photos, overall statistics, and key information on the track.  The second will be the physical impact of long distance hiking once I have the test results in about what impact five weeks of hiking had on me.  This has been something that has been done in the USA but to the best of my knowledge hasn’t been done in Australia before.

If you have any questions on my experiences on the track please don’t hesitate to get in contact.  In the mean time sayonara, and a very big thank you.

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Oh the difference a few hours make!