After yesterday’s big day I have achieved what I wanted and now have two relatively short days. Today from Noggerup to Yabberup is around 21km and I leave Noggerup around 9am after catching up on social media. I dawdle for most of the day but even so I still get to the Mumbulla tavern well before its open and while I was originally going to have lunch I decide to press on.
Just as I’m starting to look for a decent log to have lunch on, I come across Nelson who is southbounding from Kalamunda. I stop and share lunch and Nelson’s kind enough to do an interview with me for the podcast. It’s definitely a procsss I need to go through when I interview someone and I’ve learned to careful about coming across as pushy.
I press on to Yabberup campsite and come across another hiker who’s doing his last section on what will be his third/fourth end to end. Tom is 70 years old and I’m in awe of these people who are still out there doing big days – I hope I’ll still be doing the same in another 15 years.
While the landscape has changed over the past week, when its pouring with rain you tend not to focus on this. Today I really noticed the forest is now only around 15 metres in height which is a change from the big Jarrah and Kari trees that have been my companions for the past few weeks.
I like Yabberup campsite, it just has a nice feel to it and is one of the few in this section that isn’t by a creek.
After yesterday’s big day I decide to have a bit of a dawdle