One of my biggest concerns for this trip was weight loss. I know from personal experience that for a typical two week trip I loose 7-8kg. I was deeply worried about the impact of a 5-6 week trip.
On my Bibbulmun trip the only gauge I had was the adjustment strap on my pants which indicated I have lost around 10cm off my waist. The other indication is when I get to town and see myself in a mirror.
I always loose upper body muscle on a long hike and this one is no different. While I don’t have a set of scales I estimate I’ve lost around 10kg+ with two weeks still to go. The two issues I have are I’m burning around 6000 calories a day and physically cannot eat/carry that much food and also that exercise is an appetite suppressant for me so I don’t want to eat.
Based the this photo I need to stock up while I’m in town so I’ve eaten my lunch for morning tea and I’m about to hit McDonalds for second lunch in a few hours.
While I started this trip 6kg heavy I’ve now lost 10cm from my waist and estimate that I’ve lost around 10-15 kg with two more weeks still to go