2018 Bibbulmun Track

Day 27 Another good day (minus the mosquitos)
While I really like the atmosphere at Yourdamung campsite what I don’t like are the mosquitos. I noticed them buzzing around in the middle of the day at Harris dam which was not a good sign and Yourdamung was even worse. I stopped counting the mosquitoes I had killed when I got to 20 – I gave in and put my my tent inner over my face which solved the problem. There were more mozzies at this site than every other night put together.
During the night the temperature also dropped to the coldest on the trip (I was comfortable in my sleeping bag) but it did get rid of the mozzies. For once I wished to be sharing the campsite with someone so they could take their share of the mozzies!
I left Yourdamung after a after good sleep which for me was 5:50am to head to Dookanelly campsite. My morning continued on pretty much the same as yesterday with very similar vegetation and the terrain was also similar but with a few more hills to keep me on my toes.
Throughout the day I crossed a few open wetland areas but I didn’t get wet feet although this may have been different after a period of big rains. Over the past couple of days I keeep coming across these random little newly constructed bridges and while appreciated, they don’t seem to have a reason for being there. While they skip areas that would be wet in the rains, they don’t cover all the wet areas which just seems odd.
Today was my biggest day of this section covering just over 40km. This was originally planned but I like having a short day into a rest stop to maximise town time: So all things being equal my day into Dwellingup will be around 15km.
I arrived at Dookanelly around 5:40pm and found that I was going to be sharing the campsite with a family of three which consisted of a son and dad (doing this trip for his 70th birthday) and mum who had come for a visit.
Dookanelly shelter is large for a timber shelter with full timber platform between the bunks and is situated in a forest of tallish trees. It has a good feel to it. Another early, and warm night.

While I really like the atmosphere at Yourdamung campsite what I don’t like are the mosquitos. I noticed them buzzing around in the middle of the day at Harris dam which was not a good sign and Yourdamung was even worse. I stopped counting the mosquitoes I had killed when I got to 20 – […]