I’d geared myself for a day that was only around 16km in length and had planned to arrive in Collie just after midday. The day just never seemed to end and I discovered that the app I am using which works really well with trail distances, doesn’t work so well when you go off trail. Collie is one of those towns that isnt on the trail so by the time I arrived at my motel at 1:00pm I had done around 22km. Not a problem but I just hadn’t mentally prepared myself.
After checking in I headed into town for lunch to purchase town food and to purchase some gas for my stove. One thing I just don’t get is the love of the 230g/440g canisters in this part of the country. I am seeing hikers carrying multiple cylinders and only getting five days. I only have two hot drinks and a rehydrated meal each day so will get 12 days out of a 100g cylinder on my Jetboil stove. I’ve struggled to get 100g cylinders and while the Collie store usually carries them, they were out at the time I needed mine and had to opt for a 230g cylinder.
The rest of the afternoon was spent doing social media, washing and resting.
I’d geared myself for a day that was only around 16km in length and had planned to arrive in Collie just after midday. The day just never seemed to end and I discovered that the app I am using which works really well with trail distances, doesn’t work so well when you go off trail. […]