For those of you who read our previous post, and can add up, you may notice that our departure date has changed. Less than an hour after I uploaded our first post the boat operator at Burrunjuck Dam contacted me with a date change bringing our trip a day forward. This actually suits us and was our original planned start date. So now we will commence our hike on Saturday 31 August.
Over the past week we have ramped up our training and are now carrying loaded packs on a number of our walks around town. Over the next few weeks we will be doing some longer walks in our local area to replicate our planned daily average on the trail of 22 km. For various reasons I’m now at the heaviest that I have been in around 15 years and am around 11kg heavier than my ideal hiking weight of 93kg. I expect to loose around 7-10kg over the trip but would have preferred to be starting lighter than I am. I still have nearly a month to go so need to get my act together.
Many of you are aware that last year I walked the Bibbulmun Track and even at 1005 km it was logistically easier with the track passing through a number of towns on a regular basis. This year we have no such luxury and will need to cache food in advance. I will also be without a power point for a period of 16 days. Due to my blogging and podcasting activities I have up’d the size of my power bank beyond what the average hiker would even consider. Not quite brick sized but getting there!
Over the next week we need to double check our proposed schedule, build our food list, and drag all our gear out to check any shortfalls. We are also both in the process of wearing in our chosen shoes for the hike.
For those of you who are interested in our journey on Wednesday 7 August 2019 we will be publishing our first podcast about this trip and we will provide an overview of the track, the logistics we need to consider, and our expectations for the trip. Go to our podcast page to listen.
For those of you who read our previous post, and can add up, you may notice that our departure date has changed. Less than an hour after I uploaded our first post the boat operator at Burrunjuck Dam contacted me with a date change bringing our trip a day forward. This actually suits us and […]