Yesterday wasn’t really a bad day rain-wise. It rained lightly until around 10:30am and I left my rain gear on as it was just an easier thing to do. A couple of kilometres after I started walking I came across the bridge and river shown in this post. The guidebook said to pay attention at this stage because if you couldn’t cross here then you wouldn’t be able to cross naturally at a late stage. The water level is up around 2 metres and with the additional heavy rain we had much much of yesterday evening, I definitely need to take the designated detour which is an issue for later today.
I hit two towns yesterday the first being Railton which is where I stopped for morning tea/brunch. A great little town and a chance to find some hot food. The second was Sheffield which is where I spent the night. Sheffield is definitely the larger town with a lot more to see and do but as soon as I hit town and booked a hotel room, that was me. It gave me an opportunity to dry my tent fly and to also dry my boot and sock which I managed to put into a puddle of cow water above the top of the boot!
I also spent a bit of time looking at the plans for the next few days and for those following me on the online Garmin map, I’ll being going off track for the next couple of days as the designated detour allows me to cross the river by bridge. The route isn’t marked with signage so I’ll need to pay attention to the designated turn points that I have photos of so I can avoid getting out the paper version (in the rain).
The combined distance is 62km and while I used to be able to do 30km+ sort of days I’ll need to work back up to those distances so I expect this section will take three days instead of two. I have a number of days up my sleeve so can take longer if needed or if the conditions dictate. I’m starting to get into a routine but I’m definitely discovering muscles I’d forgotten I had!
Over the next few days I’m expecting to have erratic phone and internet signal but will try to post as I can. This may also impact my next podcast release but I’m still hoping to post towards the end of the week.
Yesterday wasn’t really a bad day rain-wise. It rained lightly until around 10:30am and I left my rain gear on as it was just an easier thing to do. A couple of kilometres after I started walking I came across the bridge and river shown in this post. The guidebook said to pay attention at […]