Fruit leather (aka rollups) is essentially just another form of dried fruit however it provides a bit of variety due to the different texture and taste. Unlike making dehydrated fruit where the main choice is ‘do I like it on the soft side or on the crispy side?’, making fruit leather can be a bit more complex.
Making fruit rollups can be a hit or miss process that is very much dependant on the type of fruit used. In the case of apple fruit rollups, it’s a bit more on the fiddly side requiring more work to produce including the need to cook the apples. Having said that, the end result is a very different snack choice to dehydrated apple. It is also higher in calories so depending on how much you like this option, it may be worth considering for your hiking snack choice.
This recipe is designed for a food dehydrator however if you don’t have one then you can use an oven, preferably fan forced at a very low temperature 55°C (see below). Keep an eye on the dehydration process – it is ready when the leather isn’t sticky to touch. If using a dehydrator you may need to turn it over to ensure it is fully dry but I have found that it only really needs around 30 minutes more to finalise the leather. I suggest you start this first thing in the morning to avoid it running overnight because there is the risk of making it a bit too crispy if it stays under heat for too long.
I used seven medium sized red apples that weighed in at 893 grams and produced spot on 100 grams of apple leather. Calorie wise this works out to be pretty dense and a great way of carrying apple on the trail.
If using a dehydrator
If using an oven
Medium sized red apples, approximately 1 kg
Peeled and cored apples
Cooking the apples
Mashed apple once its finishing cooking
Apple puree in a food processor to remove lumps
At the start of drying
Not quite dry
Finished apple leather
Apple leather uncut
Sliced apple leather
Apple leather rolled