The full tittle of this book is actually The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative and that’s essentially the topic under discussion; our connection with nature and the positive impacts and benefits that we derive.
The book sets out a number of examples of ‘connection with nature’ and discusses the impacts of connecting with nature using various examples from around the world. Where available the author, Florence Williams, looks at various studies that almost without fail, show the great benefit of immersing yourself in nature whether it be living in a green environment or getting out and about. One example directly discusses the impact of hiking without your phone and the improvement it has on your memory post hike.
While I like this book it is by no means a light read. There are the occasional black and white images in this book although they are limited. Combined with an almost academic style of writing, this is a heavy read and best consumed in short doses. The contradiction here is the occasional blunt language (swearing) which you don’t expect.
So is this book for you? If you want to know more about the benefits that a connection with nature can have, then its a worthwhile read. If you are looking for a light read, then its probably not for you.
The Nature Fix : Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative
You can purchase The Nature Fix from Amazon Australia
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AUD $20.75 RRP
The Nature Fix showing text page example
The Nature Fix showing page spread with image
This review was done with product purchased by Australian Hiker
14 December 2024