South Durras
Year round
Car park on Wasp Head, South Durras, NSW
Car park on Wasp Head, South Durras, NSW
I have been coming to Murramarang on the NSW South Coast for over 40 years and during this time it has always been for the ocean and never for the walking and as such I had just dismissed this area in the past due to the length of the walk. I usually drive past this area when I visit family and on a recent trip when I only had limited time I thought that this short walk was just what I needed.
I had expected the walk to be around 2km return but was surprised to find that in reality it topped out at 1.5km instead. This walk included two key stopping points. The first being the Wasp Island lookout which will also allows you to walk down to the rock platform and if you want to loop back round to Mill Beach or better known as the Murramurrang resort beach. Alternatively I would recommend to take in the views at to Wasp island and then loop back on path that runs parallel to the track you came out on returning you back to the car park then over to the Emily Miller trail head and down onto the Emily Miller beach/and or Emily Miller headland.
On the day we did this walk the weather and sea conditions were perfect and when we came down on to Emily Miller Beach the best way I could describe it was as a ‘hidden gem’. The water was dead flat and a light blue in colour and there was no-one on this beach so it would have been ideal for a secluded picnic or swim. Given that the two beaches in this area are protected from winds blowing a different directions unless the conditions are really rough at least one of these beaches should be sheltered enough for a swim. This walk is definitely one of two halves with the walk out to Wasp Head being on a well maintained and mown walking track while the Emily Miller section is more of a natural trail and is maintained as such. The vegetation in this area is coastal heath with the dominant tree being Casuarina.
There are a few picnic table in front of the car park but I would suggest that you don’t use them as this area is Tick central so wear long pants and socks, and a long-sleeved top when doing this walk in the hotter moths of the year. Having said that this is an easy walk for all the family and if the weather is warm enough bring a lunch and swim gear to take advantage of the beach access.
Wasp Head trail head
Tim on the Wasp Head section of the track in amongst the Casuarinas
Cliff warning sign
Lookout on Wasp Head
Wasp Island. from here you can walk down onto the rock platform and around to Mill Beach on the left
Heading back to the car park on a parallel trail
Nice place to sit but don’t, this area is tick infested during the warmer months
Emily Miller Walking Track on the opposite side of the car park to the Wasp Head track
Emily Miller Trail Example
Headland or Beach? You choose
Bushland opening up as you approach the Emily Miller headland
Follow this trail down to the headland
Emily Miller Beach as viewed from the headland
Finishing of the walk back at the car park
Picnic area at the car park, Ticks included
The trail head is just around 19km from the base of the Clyde Mountain heading north
Google map close up of the Wasp Head Walk
Turn off the highway to South Durras. You will see this turnoff just after you pass a service station on the left side of the road
The road to South Durras
South Durras residential area
Wasp Head car park
This walk was undertaken by the team from Australian Hiker