Part of yesterday morning was spent putting my food together for my upcoming trip on the South Coast Track which I start walking next Saturday after flying into Melaleuca the day before. I’ve done this enough times now that I’ve gotten quite quickly in doing it and this time it only took me just over an hour given that I had most of the food already in the cupboards. It gave me an opportunity to identify any missing items ( me evening meals are being delivered tomorrow) and get every bagged up ready to go for a trial pack in the next couple of days. I’m carrying food for the afternoon evening of the day I fly in as well as until I get a lift back to Hobart the next day so should I have to extend the trip for whatever reason I’m covered.
Over the past few years I have managed to work out what my eating patterns are and while I wont weight my food bags until tomorrow I am now at a pointy that I’m sitting at roughly 550 grams (dry weight) of food for each day. I’ve worked out over the years that it’s pretty much impossible to consume the amount of calories I burn on a daily basis and when I’m in full on long distance hiking mode I can burn up to 8,000+ calories a day on my really big days. This trip is nowhere near that extreme being a 5 day trip so I have weight to loose and plenty to eat as I go.
The other thing thats worth noting is that Tasmania has its own set of quarantine regulations like most states and its worth checking what these are rather than assuming what you are packing will be allowed in.
Part of yesterday morning was spent putting my food together for my upcoming trip on the South Coast Track which I start walking next Saturday after flying into Melaleuca the day before. I’ve done this enough times now that I’ve gotten quite quickly in doing it and this time it only took me just over […]