• Weight 32 grams
  • Cost $59.99

Suunto A-30 Compass



Rating: 9.3 / 10
Value for Money   2.3 / 2.5
Durability 2.4 / 2.5
Ease of Use 2.4 / 2.5
Weight 2.2 / 2.5

Suunto A-30 Compass Review

Suunto is one of two best known compass brands available on the Australian market and the Suunto A-30 is the model that I most commonly see on the trail. This compass is robust, reliable and bullet proof. While not as accurate as the more upmarket, and usually much more expensive compasses the average hiker usually doesn’t usually require that level of pinpoint accuracy.

The Suunto A-30 has changed little over the years which is often the case when a product is almost perfect. This  model is very similar to the cheaper Suunto A-10 model but comes with a luminous bezel for use in low light as well and a magnifying lens on the base plate that makes very small text or features on maps easier to see.

This compass is suitable for beginners as well as experienced hikers and will last and last. In addition it will meet the requirements of all but the most demanding trips so you will have this compass long into the future.

NOTE: Suunto compasses are balanced for the northern and southern hemispheres. Don’t buy from overseas stores unless you are very sure that what you are buying is the correct version otherwise you are buying an expensive lightweight paperweight.

We Like

  • A robust reliable compass that has changed very little over the years
  • Luminous bezel which makes this compass easy to use during the day as well as in low light/ nighttime
  • Magnifying lens for use with fine print on maps
  • Great value for money even when its not on sale

We Don't Like

  • Hemisphere specific (don’t buy this compass online unless it is labelled fo the correct hemisphere)

Best Uses

  • A good all round compass for the average hiker that doesn’t need pinpoint precision over long distances

Buy One

You can purchase the Suunto A-30 Compass from Wild Earth, or from Wildfire Sports

If you live in the southern hemisphere only buy this compass from a southern hemisphere store to ensure you get the correctly balanced compass

Disclosure:  We may earn a small commission, at no additional expense to you, if you click through and make a purchase. Please note that our affiliations do not influence, in any way, the independence of our reviews. If we don’t like a product, you’ll hear about it from us!


AUD $59.99 RRP but keep an eye out for sales

Other Versions

  • Suunto A-10 Compass ( less features but still does the job for most people)
  • Suunto M-3 Global Compass (For use in either Hemisphere)
  • Suunto MC-2 Global Mirror Compass (For use in either Hemisphere and also has a sighting mirror for more accuracy)

Suunto A-30 Compass

Suunto A30 Compass side view

Suunto A30 compass at night time. The bezel will glow in the dark making it easier for nighttime or low light conditions


This review was done with product purchased from a retail store by Australian Hiker

Last updated

31 October 2024

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