• Pages 442
  • Language English
  • Author Vivienne Hansen and John Horsfall
  • First Published 2019
  • Cost $33.99

Noongar Bush Tucker

Bush Tucker

Noongar Bush Tucker Book Review

As a horticulturalist I have a keen interest in plants both on and off trail, and when out on my hikes I take any opportunity to inspect new things and if it captures my interest, to take lots of photographs. While I have a basic understanding of some food plants and what is (and isn’t) edible, there is still so much I don’t know so books on edible plants are a great help in building on my knowledge. I recently reviewed the book Wild Food Plants of Australia and while it’s a great resource, when book such as this covers the whole country they can only provide a broad overview.

The good news is that some books are more targeted and Noongar Bush Tucker is just that given it considers plants of the southwestern region of Western Australia. This book was created by its Indigenous authors and is designed to expand and preserve traditional knowledge for future generations of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to ensure the information is not lost with the passing of Elders.

There are estimated to be over 10,000 plants in this region and while it would be impossible to go through all of them, this book provides an overview of over 260 Australian plants ranging from shrubs, grasses and fungi. This book is well set out and provides key information and images in a simple format on each plant covered. The edible parts of each plant are identified and information on the required preparation is provided.

While I recognise a number of the plants in this book and could identify them on-trail, there were a number I wasn’t aware were edible.  This book may be useful to those living in other parts of Australia given there is some crossover in the plants covered but it will be most helpful to those who living in or hiking in Western Australia. If you are seeking to expand your knowledge of edible Australian plants, then this book is a great option. There is also a sister book titled Noongar Bush Medicine which, as the title identifies, is aimed at the use of Australian plants for medicinal purposes.

Chapter Headings

Noongar Bush Tucker

  • Disclaimer
  • Introduction
  • About the Authors
  • Trees, Shrubs, Bushes and other Plants
  • Grasses
  • Kangaroo Paws and Cat Paws
  • Fungi
  • Noongar Vocabulary
  • References
  • Image Credits
  • Index

We Like

  • Over 260 Australian plants, grasses and fungi described
  • Images and text are easy to read and clearly explain what is edible
  • Guidance on preparation is included


We Don't Like

  • Nothing

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You can purchase Noongar Bush Tucker from Amazon Australia

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AUD $33.99 RRP

Noongar Bush Tucker – cover image

Noongar Bush Tucker double page spread

Close up of text

Double page from Noongar Bush Tucker


This review was done with product purchased by Australian Hiker

Last updated

14 December 2024

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