Rating: | 8.3 / 10 |
Value for Money | 2.2 / 2.5 |
Durability | 1.6 / 2.5 |
Comfort | 2.1 / 2.5 |
Weight | 2.4 / 2.5 |
I have been wearing sunglasses for around 40 years and for much of that time I have made my purchases based on how I looked as opposed to what the sunglasses were doing for me. Is this something you do? I have also tended to buy top-of-the-line sunglasses as I appreciate all the extra features that come with high-end models.
Having said that recently I went against the trend, opting for a cheaper pair of sunglasses to replace the expensive ones I left on the trail. I know exactly when and where I left them but it came down to not wanting to walk kilometres back to wear I left them.
Spending a fair amount of time in the sun, mainly hiking these days, it’s rare that I don’t wear sunglasses. Having a larger head also means I prefer a pair of sunglasses that minimises the sun hitting my eyes so I like a low profile wide frame.
Gill and I both opted for the Liive The Edge Sunglasses but in her case she chose the smoked lens whereas I purchased the mirror lens. I fluctuate between these two lens types and it will often come down to what I feel like on the day. These Liive The Edge Sunglasses are a category 3 lens which means they cope with glair fairly well.
Liive touts these glasses as having a floating frame. I must admit while it wasn’t a selling point it sent me off on an internet search to work out what that meant only to find that it was just as it sounded. If you drop them in water they won’t sink. I believe that given these glasses only weigh 30 grams due to their lightweight frames and polycarbonate lens.
In addition, the arms on the glasses are reasonably broad and this wasn’t something I was used to. I expected them not to be that comfortable but the exact opposite applied. I found the arms on these sunglasses fit snuggly and like narrow armed sunglasses, they didn’t dig into my head and give me a headache.
Price-wise these sunglasses sit at $69.95 which are relatively cheap as sunglasses go and while they aren’t likely to be as durable as a glass lens, at this price they aren’t going to break the bank.
Liive The Edge Sunglasses smoked lens
Liive The Edge Sunglasses mirror lens
You can purchase the Liive The Edge Sunglasses from Wild Earth
Disclosure: We may earn a small commission, at no additional expense to you, if you click through and make a purchase. Please note that our affiliations do not influence, in any way, the independence of our reviews. If we don’t like a product, you’ll hear about it from us!
AUD$69.95 RRP
Macpac sell a number of different Liive Sunglass models so there should be a pair to suit everyone
Liive Edge Sunglasses smoked lens – front view
Liive Edge Sunglasses mirror lens – front view
Liive Edge Sunglasses mirror lens – side view
This review was done with product purchased at a retail store by Australian Hiker
31 December 2024