• Pages 32
  • Language English
  • Published 2021
  • Author Inga Simpson
  • Illustrated by Alicia Rogerson
  • Cost $20.99

The Book of Australian Trees

Book - Children's

The Book of Australian Trees Review

Even before I opened Book of Australian Trees by author Inga Simpson there were two things that really struck me. The first was this is an Australian book with the front cover very obviously featuring an iconic Australian plant image that cannot be mistaken for any other country. From my perspective the cover of this book also has that old Australian charm that brings to mind the books written by May Gibbs in the first half of last century including text that brings to mind books from yesteryear.

The Book of Australian Trees is sold as a children’s book and the style of writing and associated images leave no doubt about that. Being a children’s book the language isn’t overly heavy but is written in such a way that adults will also appreciate. The information provided highlights key facts about a selection of 15 iconic trees from around the country. The artwork in this book also matches the style of writing.

While this is a children’s book its something that would also make a great gift for overseas friends or an interesting coffee table book. This is the type of book I can image buying for a child that will retain its place into adulthood, it just has that feel about it.

Listen to our interview with author Inga Simpson in the Australian Hiker Podcast episodes 189

Whats inside?

  • Australian Trees
    • Spotted Gum
    • Red Ironbark
    • Grey Gum
    • Brush Box
    • Rose Gum
    • Bunya Pine
    • Coastal She-Oak
    • Queensland Bottle Tree
    • Illawarra Flame Tree
    • Moreton Bay Fig
    • Antarctic Beech
    • Karri
    • Old Man Banksia
    • River Red Gum
    • Mountain Ash
  • Glossary

We Like

  • A great introduction for children to our iconic native trees
  • While this book is a children’s book its suitable for children of all ages!
  • The stories and images are great
  • A great coffee table book or as a gift for overseas friends

We Don't Like

  • Nothing – seriously!

Buy One

You can purchase The Book of Australian Trees from Amazon Australia in hardcover or Kindle format.

Disclosure:  We may earn a small commission, at no additional expense to you, if you click through and make a purchase. Please note that our affiliations do not influence, in any way, the independence of our reviews. If we don’t like a product, you’ll hear about it from us!


AUD$20.99 RRP

Inga Simpson, author of The Book of Australian Trees (image by Red Berry photography)

The Book of Australian Trees front cover

Excert of text from The Book of Australian Trees

Image of Grey Gum by illustrator Alicia Rogerson in The Book of Australian Trees


This review was done with product provided by the publisher

Last updated

8 February 2025

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