I love leafing through books of all kinds. I especially love it when the book is about hiking and is filled with great information and stunning images. With the enticement on the cover to ‘Explore the planet’s most thrilling treks and trails’, the book Epic Hikes of the World delivers.
Epic Hikes of the World, released by Lonely Planet Global Ltd in 2018, has the engaging and informative style we’ve come to expect from Lonely Planet publications. In fact, the introduction ponders the reason why we hike. And Lonely Planet’s writers conclude hiking is:
This book reviews fifty of the ‘best and most inspiring routes’, urban and remote, from Lonely Planet’s pool of travel writers. It contains first hand accounts and stunning images, and will inspire your hiking.
Fifty trails and treks are covered in some detail within the book spanning Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. All trails are classified as Easy, Harder or Epic and while we can guess what those terms mean, there isn’t a definition. Each review contains:
And of course, those stunning images.
There is also a ‘More like this’ section at the end of each review which provides snippets of three alternative hikes. In total that is 150 more trails, treks and walks to add to your bucket list!
The guidance is clear, easy to read and helpful. An example is on the Kilimanjaro review we’re told to ‘expect to be hot, cold and wet’! Pretty relevant and helpful I’d say.
Epic Hikes of the World is an A4 sized book that would be a great coffee table book if it had something other than a stylised painting of two people hiking on the cover – it certainly didn’t encourage me to get this book. and then I opened the book and thought WOW! I’m reminded of the old saying ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’. Definitely apt in this case.
The index is very detailed and provides a quick reference to the trails so if you don’t have time to read the book cover to cover, you can dip in and out as you like. This book is excellent value having a RRP of $44.99 AUD!
This is great book about trails and treks. The only problem you’ll have is deciding where you’re going to hike next!
You can purchase Epic Hikes of the World from Amazon Australia
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AUD $44.99 RRP
Cover of Epic Hikes of the World – see what I mean about looking like a children’s book?
Contents page
Example of a featured trail – Four Days on the Alpine Pass Route
Typical ‘More like this’ guidance – Tasmanian Treks
This review was done with product purchased by Australian Hiker
15 December 2024