168-Australian Hiker 4th Birthday
Show notes
On 11 November 2020 Australian Hiker celebrated its fourth birthday on what has been a difficult year. In this episode we reflect on our past year, a difficult one, and where we are heading into the future.
Podcast Overview
In this episode we talk about Australian Hikers past year:
The Podcast
- Year 4, an ‘interesting’ year
- Fires and COVID
- The impacts on Australian Hiker, so much
- Hikes
- Gear reviews
- Podcast interviews
- Our milestones
- Podcast
- Now 168 (169 including episode) podcast episodes released in total making us Australia’s longest running hiking podcast
- Over 505,000 total podcast episode downloads
- An audience spanning 147 countries around the world
- Top 10 download Countries
- Australia
- United States
- United Kingdom
- New Zealand
- Canada
- Germany
- Japan
- Sweden
- France
- India
- 175 trail reviews published
- All trails are walked by us so it’s a slow process
- Trails reviewed in all Australian States and Territories
- 378 gear reviews
- 179 general articles on hiking practice, safety, recipes, definitions and fitness
- Social media
- Youtube
- Trail videos
- We will be publishing more regularly
- Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter
What’s happening in 2021
- Hikes
- Victoria and NSW main focus
- Longer day hikes held over from 2020
- Longer hikes
- Finalisation of the Hume and Hovell Track from 2019
- The Australian Alps Walking Track
- 2022 Thru hike
- 100 gear reviews
- 38 podcast episodes
Help support us
- Why we have gone down this route
- Buy us a coffee at Kofi
Both Gill and I would like to thank everyone for the support particularly over the past year and look forward to bringing you lots of hiking information in 2021.
In next week’s episode I will be releasing the first on trail episode from the Great North Walk.
Close (time index 00:34:46)
Listening to the Australian Hiker Podcast
You can listen to just one episode but the best way to listen to the Australian Hiker Podcast is by subscribing through iTunes, Podbean, Stitcher Radio, Spotify where the podcast episodes will be delivered to your device almost as soon as they are published. Go on, you know you want to!
You can listen to the Australian Hiker Podcast in the following ways:
- Through our website. All our episodes can be found here
- On Apple technology listen through Apple Podcasts here
- On Android phones (as well as apple) we recommend Podbean
In addition the are a number of other ‘podcatcher’ services that allow you to download our episodes. Below are a few options where to find us:
Podcast Addict
Radio Australia
Stitcher Radio
Australian Hiker can also be found on our various social media platforms
Australian Hiker Facebook
Australian Hiker Instagram
Australian Hiker Twitter
Australian Hiker Pintrest
Australian Hiker Youtube
[email protected]
Support us
Australian Hiker is a labour of love for Gill and Tim Savage and any money earned goes straight back into helping to make this blog better. Any support that you provide is greatly appreciated! If you wish to support us, even in some small way, it would be greatly appreciated. So why not buy us a coffee? Support Us