Trail Mix (see scroggin)



Trail mix, also known as scroggin, is one of the most popular hiking snacks world wide. Typically it is a mixture of dried fruit, nuts, and other food such as chocolate. Trail mix can be bought commercially or assembled to suit the tastes of individual hikers.

There really is no end to what you can add to a mix and by making your own you end up with something that you are going to enjoy eating. Have a play with sweet and salty, with crunchy and chewy, as it’s not just the taste but also the texture but avoid chocolate in hot weather as it can melt.

Here are some suggested ingredients to add to your own mix, enjoy:

  • Almonds
  • Cashews (salted or unsalted)
  • Cranberries
  • Dark Chololate chips
  • Dates (quartered)
  • Dried apicots (quartered)
  • Dried apple
  • Dried blueberries
  • Dried paw paw (diced)
  • Dried pineapple (diced)
  • Dried strawberries
  • Figs (quartered)
  • Ginger
  • Goji berries
  • M&M’s
    • Plain
    • Peanut
  • Nutrigrain
  • Pumpkin
  • Raisnins
  • Sultanas

The choice and mixture is endless!

Commonly available trail mix consists of sultanas and nut as a base but have a play with different options to create a blend that you like

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