2021 Heysen Trail

North or South

Amongst the many decisions I needed to make in walking the 1200 km Heysen Trail is the direction of travel. There are so many reasons for starting either direction. From a planning perspective this choice is not as simple as it sounds and influences just about every other decision you make including camping locations, food drops, transport and even distances travelled per day. Do I start on the coast which is relatively flatfish at the southern end, has more access to towns and facilities, and in most cases shorter distances between campsites or do I start at the northern trailhead in the arid north and head south?

I have previously  published an article on choosing travel direction called Walking Home: a creature of habit where I outlined my reasons for choosing the travel direction on a hike; in my case I am definitely a creature of habit. In regard to my 2021 trip I’ll be starting at the northern trailhead in Parachilna and heading in a southerly direction.

I have two key reasons for this decision. First and foremost walking towards home. On this walk there really is no such thing. Gill has offered to meet me at the end of the walk and we will be driving back to Canberra rather than getting a flight. For her meeting me at the southern trailhead will be a much easier option.

Secondly, from a transport perspective getting the bus service to Parachilna after flying into Adelaide, and then heading south means that if I arrive at the southern trailhead early or late it doesn’t create and issues nor mean I would have to wait for a bus service that is limited.

So southward it is!

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Amongst the many decisions I needed to make in walking the 1200 km Heysen Trail is the direction of travel. There are so many reasons for starting either direction. From a planning perspective this choice is not as simple as it sounds and influences just about every other decision you make including camping locations, food drops, […]